Our Logo

Our Logo Story
We knew we had to find the symbols that fit our story, as a new firm bridging two worlds: Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Justice, and the Crown’s legal system and tradition.
While we are a young team, we have a depth of experience that we put to work for our clients, particularly in the interests of children. We wanted a logo that reflected our purposeful, progressive, and collaborative approach to our work.
“There are no flying lessons,” Anishinaabe writer Richard Wagamese describes in his 2011 book One Story, One Song. “One day the young eaglets stand at the rim of their nest with their whole world in front of them. They can hear the call of their parents high above. To fulfill their destiny and become who they were created to be, each of them must make that first frightening jump.” After this search, one can return home and, without fear, tell the truth of the journey. An eagle teaches us to see the big picture and everything in it, including the needs of tomorrow’s generation. – Originally printed by the Winnipeg Free Press September 27, 2019 By Niigaan Sinclair
In our logo, you see the eagle feather, a source of teachings and a symbol of truth and love. Inside the feather, are elements of land, earth and sky – and the healing of water. A sweetgrass braid represents healing and the strength of three together. Elements of fire represent the sacred, and a family for those we help and our own roots in community, while a bear paw offers courage and protection.